Scope of application
Lo scopo del CT 307 è principalmente quello di preparare documenti normativi tecnici riguardanti l'impatto ambientale di tutte le strutture elettriche per la trasmissione, produzione, distribuzione dell'energia elettrica quali linee aeree, centrali, cabine, ecc. Per impatto ambientale si intende quanto afferente alla compatibilità visiva, alla Valutazione Ambientale Strategica (VAS) e agli Studi Impatto Ambientale (SIA) al fine di poter fornire agli Enti gestori del territorio, preposti al rilascio delle autorizzazioni alla costruzione delle suddette strutture, elementi tecnici di valutazione il più possibile generali, obbiettivi ed applicabili nelle diverse occorrenze.
In Comitato non è strutturato in gruppi di lavoro.
Work Program
Latest Publications
CEI 307-1
CEI Classification: 307-1
CEI 307-2
CEI Classification: 307-2
relativi a centrali di generazione elettrica
This Committee contributes, with the creation of standards, to the following themes
International Classification for Standards (ICS) is an international classification system for technical standards.
The ICS is a hierarchical classification organized on three levels.
Level 1 covers the main fields of activity in standardization, e.g. road vehicle engineering, agriculture, metallurgy.
Each field has a two-digit notation, e.g.
43 Road Vehicle Engineering
The main fields are subdivided into groups (level 2). The notation of a group consists of the field notation and a three-digit group number, separated by a point, e.g.
43.040 Road vehicle systems
Some groups are further divided into sub-groups (level 3). The notation of a sub-group consists of the group notation and a two-digit number, separated by a point, e.g.
43.040.20 Lighting, signaling and warning devices
You can identify the ICS code of your interest by typing the code or a keywordword in the dropdown ICS field, and by selecting one of the filtered results.
Search also in the summary/description of the standard
By flagging this control, the search for keywords will not be limited to the Standard Number and Title fields, but will also be performed in the Abstract of the standard.
This way, you will get more results.
You should use this option when you can not find the desired result with the standard approach and it is necessary to extend the scope of the search: by increasing the number of results, you will increase the number of non-relevant elements, as well.